Archiv der Kategorie: Australia

Only two weeks …

… until takeoff with the Superjumbo in Zurich ! 🙂

And a lot of things are planned till now! So I found a friend who come with me for the first five weeks of my trip!

In Addition: This is my first blog entry in English and my English is not very well. So please have understanding for any mistakes 🙂

First Step
Before we starts our trip, I’m going to study English at the Lexis English School in Scarborough. Scarborough is a coastal suburb of Perth, located approximately 14km from the city centre. My host family lives in Scarborough too and only 1km from the beach 🙂

But I not only want to learn English there! My to do list is: Exploring Fremantle and Rottnest Island, Taking a Scuba Diving Course, trying surfing, and so on 🙂


First Trip – Exploring Western Australia
My friend and I are going to hire a campervan. With this we want to drive on the west coastal route till Exmouth and Karijini National Park. On this route exists any more point of interests, such as Pinnacles in Nambung NP, Kalbarri NP, Monkey Mia, Coral Bay (and Ningaloo Reef), Francois Perron NP and much more!

Second Trip – South Coastal Trip
After our first trip we will be coming back to Perth and then we will be flying to Adelaide. In South Australia we are going to explore the Kangaroo Islands, Grampians NP, Twelve Apostels and Great Otway NP. While Adelaide and Kangoroo Island are in South Australia, the others are in Victoria. The last station would be Melbourne, the capital city in Victoria. Our plan is to stay there for 3-4 days. And then my friend must go home, while I’m going to fly to New Zealand 🙂

Third Trip – New Zealand
Now, after 9 weeks, it’s time to see another places than Australia, so I will lands in Christchurch, the largest city in southern island of New Zealand. I don’t have a great plan
about New Zealand Trip yet. But I wanna be in south island for two weeks and in north island for two weeks too. At the end if this 4 weeks I’m going to fly from Auckland to Cook Islands 😎

Fifth Trip – Cook Islands
Cook Islands is a set of 15 small islands in the South Pacific Ocean. The main island is Roratonga. It’s the only island where exists an international airport 🙂 There I’m going to be around seven days. And then I will be flying with a small airplane to the little island Aitutaki. It’s the main island of an Atoll surrounded with a coral riff. There exists 14 more very little islands in this Atoll (it’s called Motu). The mostly known of them is the One Foot Island 🙂 After I will have relaxed on the Cook Islands I will be flying back to Sydney!

Sixth Trip – East Coast (Sydney to Cairns)
This will be the main trip of my travel. While about five weeks I will backpack from sydney to cairns. A lot of things are planned on this trip. But I don’t want to write more about this trip yet. We let it be a surprise! 🙂

Seventh Trip – Red Centre
On my last trip I’m going to explore the Red Centre of Australia. I’m going to take a guided tour for about 5 days to see the Uluru, Kata Tjuta, Watarrka, Palm Valley, West MacDonnell Ranges and so on 🙂

So, after this last trip I must go home 🙁 Flying back from Sydney to Zurich with a stopover in Singapore. That’s all about my plans at the moment, you will read more soon from my ideas 😉

Here you see my new travel calendar:



Bald ist es soweit

Noch ca. 8 Wochen und dann heisst es: Abfliegen nach Perth!

Darum wird es langsam Zeit, konkrete Gedanken über meine Reise zu machen 🙂 Bis jetzt steht fest: Abflug nach Perth am 22. November ’13 und Rückflug am 21. April ’14 ab Sydney. Und natürlich die 4 Wochen Sprachschule in Perth.

Viel planen möchte ich nicht im Voraus, vor allem möchte ich die Art meiner Reise offen lassen. Alleine? Oder geführte Touren? In Gruppen auf eigene Faust? Da möchte ich mich etwas treiben lassen und spontan entscheiden. Aber dabei trotzdem nicht die Ziele aus den Augen verlieren. Deshalb habe ich mir eine grobe Route ausgedacht:

Australia Trip - Map

Richtig. Neuseeland und Cook Islands sind nicht Australien, aber trotzdem sehenswert. Und wenn man schon dort ist und 5 Monate Zeit hat…. Warum nicht? 🙂

Australia Trip - Destinations

Wo möchte ich wie lange bleiben? Vielleicht finde ich da und dort ein Plätzchen, wo ich ein paar Tage bleiben möchte! Ja dann macht eine genaue Planung kein Sinn 🙂 Deshalb auch nur ein grobes Raster:

Australia Trip Calendar 2013/2014

Jetzt heisst es nur noch, ein paar Sehenswürdigkeiten und National Parks zu studieren, damit mir vor Ort ja nichts entgeht 🙂